Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sakura Season is Here

Originally uploaded by sab-chan.
Just an FYI - this week there will be lots of Cherry Blossoms opening in Japan. The sakura tree blossoms for about two weeks at the start of Spring and signals the start of two months of really fantastic weather. If I get a chance, I'll head out and take some photos. There are a few famous spots for Sakura photos and I reckon tomorrow morning could be a good opportunity to go out and capture some of them.

If anyone in Japan is reading this - then let me know of your favourite places in and around Tokyo and I'll see if I can get out there and get a few snaps for you!

PS, this photo comes courtesy of the Shinkansen Vagabond. Thanks Dave.

Update:Bah, I didn't get out for photos on Sunday. Between feeling ill and going to pick up my new glasses I didn't have time. Stay tuned though... I'll be out and about during the week


lorn said...

ah so, sakura means like tree or blossom?

lorn said...

(i'm thinkin bout callin the restaurant i'm designin somethin like that, werl, its got a hidden tea room, and i was goin to have like, funky images of that tree or somethin i duno...

Byrney said...

The sakura tree...

Go for it. And send me the designs when done. I'd like to see them.