Friday, November 24, 2006


Reading the Card
Reading the Card,
originally uploaded by sab-chan.
My Flickr stream recently hit 10,000 views. To celebrate I thought I'd put up one of my better photos from the last couple of batches.

This one was taken at Cherry's Birthday. I really like the bokeh on the wine glass front right.

Thats all folks

What kind of Cheese are you?

I guess that sums me up...
I am mozzarella!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Up We Go

up we go
up we go,
originally uploaded by DJChan.
(Photo courtesy of DJChan)

I went outdoor rock climbing for the first time on Sunday the 12th of November 06. Thanks to DJC, we were able to get down out to a big park with lots of routes and try our hand at a couple of climbs. Its hard work, and quite different from climbing in the gym. For a start, I'm covered in scratches and insect bites. But its totally worth it.

The weather was fantastic and those of us that were able to make it had a great time. The wall in the picture actually beat me in the end, despite a good first haul up the lower section, I just couldn't make use of the footholds to get the leverage I needed. I eventually made it up a much easier wall, but it was still a bit of a hair-raiser. I was much more afraid of falling than I was in the gym... maybe because it was my first time outdoors or maybe because I was out of practice.

The surprising aspect of the whole experience (to me anyway) was that there were so many people there. I wasn't counting but there were probably thirty climbers nearby: young, old, japanese, gaijin, men and women. Everyone was taking part. There were also vending machines selling hot drinks (trust me, hot corn soup kicks ass when you are half way up a mountain) as well as sports drinks. The convenience of Japan came through yet again.

Looking forward to the next trip...