Monday, January 30, 2006


Mun's birthday Nabe
Originally uploaded by sab-chan.
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!

I just had a busy weekend and I'm pretty tired right now. So I thought I'd try to get some info up as soon as possible before forgetting it all. This weekend is the FIRST weekend I haven't been snowboarding since Christmas. I was so exhausted after the trip to Niseko that I decided to let my body recover instead of throwing it down the slopes a few more times. That means this is the first weekend I've had available to do anything other than wash my clothes in time for work and sleep.

So what did I do? Well, work has been a bit of a pain the last two weeks so I was in till 10.30 on Friday. I was so tired I just went home and slept off my stress. Saturday was reserved for shopping with Yuka. I was helping someone by a laptop, and considering getting an XBox 360 now that PGR3 is available. After about four hours in Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara (this has to be the biggest electronics store I've been in - they have EVERYTHING the aspiring geek could possibly want) we narrowed the laptop choices down to three, balked on the queue in the games section, ate salmon pizza and managed to buy a golf bag (?!?) So, mission failed on the first half of the trip.

The second half of the trip was to visit Jimbocho to find thermal gear for the next snowboarding trip (which is 10 days from now). This was kind of embarrassing. My shopping partner had no issues - being japanese she found stuff that fits straight away. I on the other hand discovered that there were no clothing items in Jimbocho that would fit me. My only hope is to go to an international outdoor wear store like Mont-Bell. I also kinda stretched the thermal gear I tried on so I don't think the shop owners want me to return... I did spot some very nice snowboards though. I'm very tempted to get the new Vapour all-round board from Burton. My current board is meant for powder which means its not great on the piste. Hmm...

That reminds me, I've been thinking about the following shopping list
  1. XBox 360 (If only for Project Gotham 3)
  2. New Snowboard + Boots + Bindings. I'd like to get Flow Bindings, but my current bindings are only a year old so its hard to justify.
  3. A canon kiss 350D Digital SLR. This is purely technolust. I want a Digital SLR to take round Japan on photography trips - but I don't really _need_ one. Sigh..

Decisions, decisions...

Finally - Sunday saw Chinese New Year, and a surprise birthday party for Miranda (Mun). Its not her birthday yet and the surprise was ruined by last minute scrambling to trick her into coming late. I don't think it will be possible to trick Mun that way. For example, the party was to be at 7:30 but she tried to get there at 5. Steph did her best to save the day but since Mun was calling the office - which is where Steph claimed to be - she started to grow suspicious. So when the door finally opened all we could hear was Mun shouting "I knew it! I knew it!". Still, the party was fun and Eric cooked up some great Nabe.

I got home at about 11. Just in time to hang up my washing, go to bed and set my alarm for 5.15 (ugh).



Anonymous said...

You are certainly keeping busy! I don't know how you do it - what sort of petrol do you run on boy and is it legal!!!

Byrney said...

Away - I'm just sampling all the delights this strange land has to offer. Nabe is awesome, if I ever move back I'll bring a Nabe pot with me and cook for everyone in the winter. Mmmm...

Anonymous said...

Decisions Decisions Decisions - it must be hard work! Just book yer Maw and me on business class and 3 weeks in a 5* penthouse, that solve yer probs.

Byrney said...

Hey! Did I say I had enough money to buy them all?? No - just one or two.

And I bought the XBox btw, PGR3 rocks!

Anonymous said...

ARe digital cameras over there cheaper than here? Sam and I need a new one cause mine broke. The company has gone into administration so no replacement either!

Byrney said...

Course I'm alive. Just busy... I have an update in the works just now about my last snowboarding trip... now that I have t'internet at home I might be able to get it blogged!

Anonymous said...

Well get yer skates on then we are dying to know what u have been up to.