Monday, August 28, 2006

Guess The Movie II

Guess The Movie II
Originally uploaded by sab-chan.
Go on... you know you want too!

Plus, its really obvious

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Take Anything You Want

Thanks to Stuart Croy for pointing me towards this gem:

I honestly can't comment. It speaks for itself.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Rock Climbing Photos

I took a trip back to Fuchinobe with the crew for another rock climbing trip. Pretty much the same as before but these photos were taking with my shiny (actually, matte black) new camera. I actually gave some of the safety and starter lessons to the newcomers which was fun. I'm slightly worried that the Japanese only speakers might not have understood me very well but they seemed safe enough (for the rock gym). Anyway - below is a photo of one of the rock gym regulars. This guy looks well over 60 but is able to hang upside down for at least five minutes: