Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Check out http://www.thetruthrockets.net - The Truth Rockets and download their song "I am a Ned". If you listen to The Tartan Podcast then you may have heard of them. So far I've only listened to one track: "I am a Ned" done in a 50s rock stylee. Its a pretty awesome dig at Nedism without going over the top about the wee nyaffs. Although, if you aren't from Scotland you might not follow this thread at all...

In other music news: Weird Rocks. That is all.


Byrney said...

Yup, and I have whiskey in my head...

caloomba said...

any cahnce of an update? :p

Anonymous said...

Stuart iv just seen yer photies they are lovely. you should send some to the national geografic.

Byrney said...

As soon as the Golden Week holiday's start (wednesday) I'll write a bunch of updates. As a preview consider the following key phrases: Kagoshima, Snowboarding down Mt Fuji (no, not me) and Roppongi Nights. All will be made clear soon enough...

Byrney said...

Mum: and I've just received that book you sent. Thanks!!

lorn said...

so bro, when should we be seeing you next?

Byrney said...

I should be back at Christmas time. Not sure exactly when though. I may book something soon to tie it down.