Thursday, December 08, 2005

Korean Hotstep

Well, I'd booked some holiday time at work and found myself quickly approaching H-day without any real plan. Fortunately, the old school network kicked in and I found myself contemplating Korea to visit a friend from Scotland. Its one of those places I've had on my list to visit since I got to Japan, and given that I've already got three snow boarding trips planned for next year I decided to give it a go...

So here I am, sitting in the Aspira youth hostel in Pusan on the south coast. I'm not really sure what I'll be doing next, but I'm certrain I'll be doing it with gloves and a woolly hat. Its bloody cold over here. At least, compared to Tokyo its freezing right now. Plus I reckon they like it cold. My fingers are getting stiff sitting in the hotel lobby typing this entry!

In true Spiff stylings, I woke up this morning with a hangover and regretted the fact I had to catch a plane from Narita. I got to the train station and couldn't find the bloody entrance for the Narita express. I didn't bother with a map because we all know how useless I am at even remembering I have them with me! After six hours I was sitting on a bus in a strange country wondering where my stop was and feeling pretty silly for even contemplating the trip. Especially since I hadn't got in touch with my friend yet... I've now made contact and even have a phone number. Thank Feck for that! If that had fallen through I was looking at a six hour train journey to Seoul. I might still do that though. I'll have to see whats on the cards. My plan for tomorrow is to get a train to Daegu and see what the city has to offer.

Goddamn, my fingers are cold. I'm going for a whisky in the bar.


Byrney said...

No, most of the time I work. I _sometimes_ get to have a life...

Anonymous said...

Are you always on the swally

Byrney said...

Come on... once or twice a week is hardly _always_. What else am I going to write about?